Inicio » 2009 » Diciembre » 26 » Adorior (UK) - Author of Incest
Adorior (UK) - Author of Incest

ALBUN: Author of Incest
AÑO: 2005
GENERO: Black Metal

Melissa - Jaded Lungs - Vocals
Shrapnel - Guitar (Deströyer 666, Razor of Occam)
Black Venom - Guitar (Flame (Fin), Urn (Fin))
Chris Nunravager - Bass (Razor of Occam)
Dani Molester - Drums (Indesinence, Grave Miasma/Goat Molestör, The One, Cruciamentum (Gbr)) 

Adorior (UK) - Author of Incest

1. Hater Of Fucking Humans 06:06
2. Ritualised Combat (Sin, Sin, Sin) 04:38
3. Birth Of Disease 09:13
4. Behold Barbarity 04:24
5. Split A Lamb 03:44
6. Author Of Incest 05:19
7. Vitriolic Megalomaniac 08:08
8. Iron Blood (Ferrym Sanguen) 05:50
9. Conjouring Malignant Evil 07:06

Total playing time 54:36
Categoría: Adorior | Vistas: 952 | Agregado por: belen_tristania | Valoración: 0.0/0