Inicio » 2010 » Enero » 27 » Shardlees-Fairytales... Out Of The Dark (2008)
Shardlees-Fairytales... Out Of The Dark (2008)

ALBUN: Fairytales... Out Of The Dark (2008)
AÑO: 2008
GENERO: Gothic Metal
PAIS: Alemania

Corinna Ketterer - Vocals
Dominik Voigt - Vocals
Christian Bungert - Bass
Daniel Beck - Drums
Christian Obermueller - Guitar



Shardlees-Fairytales... Out Of The Dark (2008)

1 ) Thrust. (4:16)
2 ) Through The Stars. (4:53)
3 ) Fairytales... Out Of The Dark. (6:37)
4 ) Black Empire. (7:45)
5 ) Without Pain. (5:23)
6 ) This Island Earth. (5:52)
7 ) Asteroid. (4:04)
8 ) Alienation. (4:09)
9 ) Turnround. (4:31)
10) Moon. (1:49)
11) Sun. (10:58)
12) My Creation. (4:36
Categoría: Shardlees | Vistas: 914 | Agregado por: belen_tristania | Valoración: 0.0/0